25 of MBFF’s FAVOURITE FAMILY HIKES au Pays du Mont-Blanc

With a now 12 year old and a 9 year old in tow, the MBFF family is beginning to find its 🏔 hiking mojo (mostly!). Here, below, you will find some of our favourite (and tried and tested!) family hikes 🏔 au Pays du Mont-Blanc, with suggestions for 🥤 buvettes and 🏚 refuges for a snack, lunch or overnight! [ ⇒ for 🏔 general tips on hiking with … Continue reading 25 of MBFF’s FAVOURITE FAMILY HIKES au Pays du Mont-Blanc

Lacs des Ilettes (SALLANCHES)

Officially known as the Base de Loisir des Ilettes, the 💦 Lacs des Ilettes actually consist of three lakes and this is a popular place year-round for locals to come for a stroll en famille, 🚵‍♀️ for a bike ride, 🐶 a dog-walk (permitted around the 3rd lake), 🎣 fishing, 🏃‍♂️ or a jog and workout. In ☀️ summertime, the middle lake is a popular choice for swimmers and … Continue reading Lacs des Ilettes (SALLANCHES)